Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Editing: Round 2

Editing Round 2 consists of going into the story with a red pen and shaving off every bit of information that isn't necessary. I'm removing all the extraneous "that" and "as"that crop up a lot in my writing, and taking out entire chapters or sections that I don't need.

Editing Round 2 also consists of heavily editing Rani's character, and Thea's voice, constituting the two main characters in The Emerald Chronicles. When breezing through, I literally look for places Rani had previously smiled and deleted them. I also have to really invent Rani's character, making important decisions as to how I think he would react to certain events. His character has changed the most during the editing process for Blue Moon. As for Thea, when editing her 1st person perspective, I have to substitute some "harder" or more mature words for words I think a 13 year old girl would use in her head.