Thursday, May 5, 2016


Hey all!

I'd like to publicly apologize for not posting anything in forever. I've been caught up querying the newly written version of Blue Moon. Unfortunately, I've gotten over 50 rejections, but one full manuscript response. Although the latter still turned Blue Moon down, he gave me encouraging words and urged me to keep querying.

So keep querying (and editing) I shall!

In the meanwhile, I'm almost done with the first, very rough, draft of Revenge, the sixth book in the series- only five chapters left! I've decided to write a sequel trilogy called "The Crimson Chronicles", which follows the niece of Videl, my favorite character from "The Emerald Chronicles". I'm planning the three books right now (as well as continuing to make improvements on Blue Moon, re-writing the second draft of Three Tasks, and finishing the first draft of Revenge), and hope to actually start writing the first book, Blood Eyes, in August.

Also, I haven't been blogging because I made a website for my author self, complete with in-character biographies and book summaries, but sadly... it crashed. I'm trying to get it back up, but the provider of the site hasn't been working, which is probably translating.

:) Have a lovely day!